Leapfrog Student Newspaper


Blaise Paine, F23

Blaise (they/she) is a Div II student studying theatre education and management with a focus on building space for marginalized voices. Their previous experience in journalism includes working for the MediaWise Teen Fact-Checking Network as a video editor and fact-checker, as well as a byline in the Tampa Bay Times. She currently serves as the Queer Student Representative on the Student Advocacy Board.


Verne, F23

Kenzie Doherty, S23

Kenzie (they/he) is a Div II student studying environmental journalism and conservation. Leapfrog is their first official venture into journalism and they hope to help it grow as well as themself. They have specific interests in ornithological conservation and food justice on campus.

Alex Grosman, F22

Jamie Gill, F23

Ryan Nivus, F23

Xander Portner, S25

Xander (he/him) is a Div II transfer student studying US politics, history, and writing. He intends to advocate for progressive causes through the means of creative writing. His previous journalism experience includes serving as a contributing writer at Lafayette College and a journalism intern at The Borgen Project.